Here’s the deal. If you’re reading this web page, it means you have a copy of DARK CURSES AND FAERIE DREAMS. It also means you’re curious about EshSecrets.
What are EshSecrets? Well, the best way to find out is to take a look and see.
How do you do that? It’s easy!
Whenever you see one of those fancy S symbols, click on the link below. Our suggestion is to be patient. Don’t cheat and look up an EshSecret before you reach the right place in the Story. They’re more fun if you do them at the right time in the right order.
When you get to the end of Chapter 1: Click HERE.
At the end of Chapter 2: Click HERE.
End of Chapter 3: You can click HERE.
End of Chapter 4: HERE.
End of Chapter 5: Yes, this ONE.
A couple of pages into Chapter 6: Try this LINK.
At the end of exciting Chapter 6: HERE.
End of Chapter 7: Try HERE for a really Ancient EshMagick Story.
End of Chapter 8: There’s another Story to be found using this LINK.
You guessed it: A LINK here from the end of Chapter 9!
End of Chapter 10: Click HERE for another Ancient Story.
Skipping to the end of Chapter 12: HERE.
End of Chapter 15: One of the oldest EshMagick legends right HERE.
Some pages into Chapter 17: Check THIS out!
End of Chapter 17: Click HERE.
End of CHAPTER 18.
End of CHAPTER 25.