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Tom Xavier, Chief Storyteller

As a kid, I grew up reading every book I could lay my hands on. When I wasn't reading, I was writing. What most excited me then - and what still excites me now - is finding a novel that tells a great Story, the kind of Story that grips you and makes you care about its characters and what happens to them. As a kid, I loved reading ancient myths because they made me think about life – about friendships and loyalty, about nature and the world we live in, about simple acts of courage and giant events that changed history. When I grew up, all those great Stories made me want to live a life of adventure. So I studied archaeology and went to Italy and Greece. Later, I became an international lawyer and went to England. I climbed tall mountain peaks. I paddled canoes down fast-moving rivers. I skied over snowy mountain passes. I visited great cities and met all kinds of fascinating people. Eventually, I started a music project for children from countries around the world.


Motivated by the great Stories from my youth and inspired by my love of adventure, I invented Eshmagick. As a writer, it's my way of imagining wondrous worlds and rich characters when I'm creating one of my Stories.


My goal as a writer is to tell great Stories that are cool and modern but with golden nuggets panned from the ancient myths and fairy tales. Beyond that, I see technology as offering cool ways to make Stories more fun. There's no reason a Story has to stay within the pages of a book or eBook, right? Not with the digital world out there!


Because I'm a lover of diverse cultures, I want my Stories to have complex human settings full of wondrous people and unusual places.  And as a lover of nature, I want to transport readers to rich, natural worlds full of amazing animals, birds, plants, and terrains.


Reading should be fun, right? It should be exciting. It should make you think about how others might live, which helps you answer the question of what your life might be. So pick up one of my books and let's go exploring.


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