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Duggan McDuggan - Character Profile

My Name:

Duggan McDuggan

My Age:

Just turned Fourteeny!

My Birth-Moon:

My Happy Birthday was two days before the second Full Moon. In other words, in the Moon of the Dreamer. Sorry!

My School:

There’s only one school in the North End of Cowgrass and I’m stuck going there no matter how much I hate it.

Best-Bestiest of All:

I’m a Storyer. Whenever I can find a book to read, I like the Faerie Stories. But my best-bestiest time is when I get to listen to a really great Storyteller telling one of the Ancient Stories. My favorite Storyteller is old Dalwycke who visits Cowgrass sometimes. He tells amazing Stories about Eshmagick and the Faerie world. When I’m not stuck working (which is practically never!), I like hanging out with my friends, Lambrell and Zagger. Best-bestiest of all for me, I like walking alone in the forests among the trees.

Best-Bestiest Music:

I play a little Tam-Tam. My favorite song is the Ballad of Pacy Pace who was the bravest Fourteeny ever.

Best-Bestiest Story:

The Trek of Dwayna Dwallyn is burnin’ hot.

Burnin' Likes:

Ancient trees, forests, spring flowers, anything about Eshmagick, my Mum’s Vegetable Stew, Bumble-Berry Pie.

Slakin' Dislikes:

All the toddles in my school who tease me. Then there’s my Mum making me work too hard. Plus, I really hate Honeyhocks and Retchets. And I don’t like heights. And poisonous snakes. Anything poisonous, really.

What's Next:

Just wait, you’re going to be slakin’ surprised!


Duggan McDuggan


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